Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Puerto Vallarta

Kev and I recently returned from Puerto Vallarta where the weather was so perfect we could hardly belive we were coming back to the biggest snow storm I can ever remember having here. We ziplined the jungle and read on the beach. We wrote Happy Birthday to Ashley in the sand because we returned on her birthday, and because Ashley appreciates that sort of thing more than the rest of us. We had a great time, even though I missed parasailing by about two minutes. Oh well, maybe next time. We got a bit of a tan, and Kevin got a lot of a burn on his legs. I walked on the beach in the morning. It was great. I even read Twilight, which I have been avoiding because I didn't want to get hooked. Color me a fan. I bought all three books and quickly reread them when I was done, pretending it was still my first time through them so my family wouldn't make fun of me. Actually, now Kevin is reading them because he has nothing else to read and because I think he wants to see what all the fuss is about. I think that's kind of cute.


Summer said...

Mindy! How did I not know you were going to Puerto Vallarta! I must not be sitting next to you enough at Bunco...I am so glad you blogging, I will look at it often!

Willardson Family said...

That is where you were!! Its sad but you almost need a vacation after your vacation since reality smacks you in the face so fast. Looks like you had fun!!

Jeff said...

Looks like a fun vacation.

Kevin, watch out for those Vampire books. Every girl I know (including Karla) becomes obsessed with them.

You probably know they are making a movie based on the Twilight series. You can read more at the official website:

karla said...

Your vacation looks like it was a blast! Good for you on getting a chance to get away for a few days. I'm wishing I could do the same. :)

karla said...

and PS - I am NOT obsessed with Twilight. :)