Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!!

We had a fun Easter this year. The girls look forward to new dresses, Easter treats and egg hunts. We did the neighborhood egg hung in the park. Grace was more interested in the playground she found empty after gathering her eggs than she was in what was in the plastic eggs at first. On Sunday we had Kev's family over for dinner and a little egg hunt in the yard. The girls enjoyed having cousins and candy.


Willardson Family said...

Looks like fun! Grace's hair looks very cute.

Nicole ; ) said...

Sounds like your girls had fun! Gracie sounds a little like Carly. On the way to a ward Easter egg hunt she told me that Easter egg hunts were her favorite. But when we got there, she went right for the swings! She did get more into the little hunt we had at our house.

Eliza said...

Very cute girls! Our family egg hunt took like 10 seconds. All Miles cared about was being able to be outside..we lucked out and had an pretty decent Easter considering how early it was.

I am Chree-uz. said...

I'm still trying to get used to the fact that I am now the Easter Bunny...!!

We love you Mind! Thanks for your kind words. : )