Wednesday, February 25, 2009

And they call it puppy love

We are not getting a puppy :)

Grace has recently declared that Diego (cousin of Dora the Explorer) is her boyfriend. She loves to watch his show and tells us he's cute.
She has also noticed a certain young phantom boy from Nickelodeon called Danny Phantom. This is the best picture I could find. When he's not so angry and phantomy, this character also has dark hair and dark eyes.

Notice a theme here? There's one more little boy in Grace's collection of crushes. His name's Spencer and he's in her preschool class. He's got--you guessed it--dark hair, dark eyes and is a cute little outgoing guy. She asks me after nearly every class if we can invite Spencer over. (I don't know Spencer's mom, and I didn't want to be creepy and ask if I could take a picture of her child and post it on my blog because my daughter has a crush on him. She might think it's cute. She really might not). I'm thinking maybe we can take them to the park when it gets warmer.
Gracie gets a little giddy and giggly whenever we mention any of these boys. Who would have thought that at three, my baby would notice boys and have a definite "type." Tall (used loosely), dark and active.


Brooklyn said...
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Brooklyn said...

That is hilarious! I have to comment on my 3 year old. He doesn't really notice girls, but if a cute (and I specifically mean know what I mean) girl tries to talk to him he completely falls apart into shyness and giggles. I can appreciate the fact that they can appreciate what is attractive to them. It is a little scary though isn't it?

Mindy K said...

Super scary.

kj said...

I was so excited when I read your first line.... then disappointment set in.(Sophie could use a cousin) :) Cute about Grace though.