Sunday, July 27, 2008

My favorite brides

On Friday the girls and I saw my friends Emily and Sean in Footloose at the Murray Amphitheater. They put on a great show! Emily was the lead; she has an amazing voice, and she put on a fabulous peroformance. Grace was kinda restless at the end so I only got to snap one quick picture of Emily. It definitely, however, brought back some fun memories.

My brother Kevin perfoms in musicals every summer--this Summer is South Pacific. One year I auditioned with him for Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. It was a blast. Kevin and his very own wife Cecy were the leads, and I got to be a bride. The brides consisted of one other young married girl named Becca, five cute high school girls and me. Did I mention I was pushing thirty? We cartwheeled off boys' shoulders, did barrel roles and flew all over the stage for that performance. I was paired with a sixteen year old kid--he's in the orange on the slide show.

Those cute girls and I were inseparable all summer. We had slumber parties, stayed up all night fashioning eighties outfits to wear to practice one morning and had a great time. I still blog with Meredith and Becca. Hi, GIRLS, if you read this. I hope Emily has time to stop by and visit this summer, and Aubrey just became my Facebook friend. So this is for all my favorite brides!!


Rebecca said...

Girl I can't believe you know where those photos are they are so old. That was fun. I am so not that flexible anymore the dance director probably wouldn't even let me do the leaps across the stage now!