Sunday, October 5, 2008

No new skin off Grace's nose

Holy cow, look at the improvement to Gracie's face after just one week! That's the miracle of Neosporine at work right there :) A doctor in our neighborhood once told me he's encountered two kinds of mothers in his years of practice. Mother 1. Rushes her child to the doctor for every tiny thing. Mother 2. Assumes all is well and believes that a little Neosporine will cure anything.
I must say, I'm a bit jealous of that beautiful baby skin. No way do I heal that quickly. I'm thinking there's definitely something to these human growth hormone treatments.

Anyway, we're just glad she's doing so great. Thanks for all your sweet notes and calls about her.


Amber said...

What about the human growth hormone treatments? I'm just curious--you mentioned something about it last night, and I don't think I understood what you were talking about. Anyway, now I need to know what you were talking about because I am confused...

Kelly said...

Huge improvement! She is so dang cute! I think I am a neosporin mom too.

TRICIA said...

I can't believe the improvement. It is fun to see the pictures like that. Glad she is feeling and looking better!

Willardson Family said...

She is so cute! Glad to see her getting all better!

Amber said...

Disregard my last comment. I guess what I was trying to say is that the other night you mentioned hgh repairing Gracie's skin and I thought you were talking about hcg, so I said that hcg doesn't help with skin. But anyway, I just wanted to clarify :)