Wednesday, January 28, 2009

American Idol in SL


Most of you who follow American Idol have probably seen this pink bunny teaser for the Salt Lake auditions tonight. I paused this frame at the end of the show last night and took a picture--why, you might ask? Well, when you look at this you probably think to yourself, 'Hey, there's a giant pink bunny running to hug Simon!' Which the bunny does, rather tightly, I might add. I look at this picture and think, 'Hey, there's Chris!'
My cute nephew Chris is on the right side of the screen wearing the black tee. He's a great artist, and that's Simon's picture he drew on the front. Chris and his pink bunny friend Greg got some camera time backstage and in front of the judges. Our family is hoping to see him tonight during the SL auditions. Chris' charimsa, engaging personality and multi-talents should warrant a piece of the fifteen minute fame pie. So look closely at tonight's auditions for nephew Chris and his Energizer friend. Woot, woot, Chris!


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that I thought Chris was great. I wish they had taken him seriously. I liked him better than the "best" of the SLC auditions.