Thursday, September 4, 2008

Grace is 3

Grace's birthday was Mon, Sept. 1--Labor Day. She was thrilled. She's been anticipating her very own birthday since Christmas; we even had to put candles on our Easter cake and sing "Happy Easter to Grace."

Ashley started the big day at 7:45 a.m. with a treasure hunt and a makeover. She got Gracie dressed, did her hair in braid-buns and painted her nails. Here's Grace, happy to get $$ and a singing stuffed animal from Aunt Kerry.

She loved wearing her princess birthday hat and opening her Barbie Mariposa.
We had a birthday party at Grandma Knudsen's for everyone who'd had an August birthday, and Grace got her own mini Belle cake. She of course dressed for the occasion in her new Snow White dress-up and had her hair redone in curls.



Anonymous said...

Very cute. I bet it is nice that she is in pre-school now.