Today was our annual 5k run at the Gateway. Ford sponsors the Susan G. Komen breast cancer Race for the Cure, and of course since Kev is a Ford man we run. Now I am all for supporting a great cause, but this event gets a little bit crazier every year. More and more people flock to the Gateway to "race" and celebrate survivors or loved ones.
It's difficult to move, let alone run for at least a mile. However, it has become a Knudsen family tradition. This is even Grace's third year. Kev pushes the stroller and tries to keep his patience with the crowds. This year Ashley and I ran on ahead. Ash did great. She started walking and complaining until I pointed out a little old lady ahead of her walking with the help of supportive braces. I told Ash that lady was beating her. And we were off :)
How cool is that!! Way to go! What a good example to set for your kids!
That cracks me up. I know that Ashley (and Kourtney)would not be shown up by an elderly lady. Bless their hearts.
Look at you awesome running family! Isn't it great though that it is so crowded at the race since it is for such a worthy cause? Good job, you impress me! See you tonight!
Hey, I should've been there too. I'm all for the pink! Sadly, I wasn't able to go, but I did find an old lady on the street...
I paid her to go ahead of everyone else to give them more motivation! Looks like my plan worked. Thank you very much! (Totally kidding)
But, that's great! I'm glad you support such a worthy cause. Congrats!
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